Soft Play Rules of Play
Children should use the toilet and wash their hands before entering the play area.
Leave badges and jewellery with parents/guardians. Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer and shatter proof lenses.
Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times.
In case of a problem, contact a member of staff. All children must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times.
Please do not play in front of slide exits.
Clothes with ropes and cords should not be worn in the play area. No sharp objects may be taken into the play area.
Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave.
It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or system structure.
No food, drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
It is forbidden to smoke or play with fire within the play area.
Children who are unwell should not enter the play area.
Balls or other objects should not be thrown at each other.
Please ensure your child is playing in the age appropriate area. 0-2 area is strickly for that age group.
We reserve the right to ask you to leave an area if your child is too old.